Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy
Enhancing The Way We Do Psychotherapy
Do you experience the following concerns:
Self-blame, low self-esteem, shame, and/or guilt
Chronic or excessive anger
Indecisiveness, confusion, difficulty thinking
Worry, anxiety, obsessive thinking, phobia, shyness, social anxiety
Unpleasant feelings, emptiness, mood swings
Negativity, pessimism, irritability
Trauma, sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, PTSD
Sexual dysfunction
Cravings related to addiction (i.e. smoking, alcohol dependence, and other substances)
Anxiety, panic attacks, depression ​
If so, EMDR is a powerful short-term therapeutic intervention designed to address the above concerns. If you had talk therapy in the past and found yourself still "stuck", EMDR may prove beneficial. This form of integrative psychotherapy allows you to stay in control while your brain does the healing. EMDR has been extensively researched and proven effective in minimizing distress associated with trauma. For instance, an abuse victim shifts from feeling horror and anger to holding the firm belief that, “I survived it and I am strong.” Unlike talk therapy, the insights clients gain in EMDR therapy result not so much from clinician interpretation, but from the client’s own accelerated intellectual and emotional processes. The net effect is that clients conclude EMDR therapy feeling empowered by the very experiences that once debased them. -EMDR Institute, Inc.
EMDR is an eight-phase treatment approach (not 8 sessions) that focuses on the past and present experiences, with an emphasis on developing new skills and behaviors for the future. Those with single adult onset trauma can be treated in less than 5 hours; whereas, those with more complex trauma (more than one), may require longer treatment.
Eight phases of EMDR​
Phase 1: Client History and Treatment Planning
Phase 2: Preparation and coping strategies
Phase 3: Assessment
Phase 4: Desensitization/Reprocessing
Phase 5: Installation
Phase 6: Body Scan
Phase 7: Closure
Phase 8: Reevaluation
EMDR is safe for children, adolescents, adults, and couples.
Watch Doctor Juggins' Video on EMDR here
For printable EMDR material click here
For more information please visit The EMDR International Association
Watch this helpful video from 20/20 about EMDR